The Launch of SunShower Learning’s New Webinar Series, DEI Discussions

May 9, 2023

Graphic that describes SunShower Learning's upcoming webinar on inclusive hiring

SunShower Learning is thrilled to announce the launch of our new webinar series, DEI Discussions, which is designed to provide insightful, action-oriented sessions on a variety of DEI topics. Our first webinar, “Want to Succeed? Stop Hiring People Like You!”, took place on May 3 and was met with an extremely favorable response. Hosted by Joel Lesko, filmmaker and founder of SunShower Learning, the webinar featured Marsha Ross-Jackson addressing the topic of inclusive hiring.   

Ross-Jackson kicked off the robust presentation by polling the audience.  She asked, “Where does bias creep into the hiring process?” Here’s the breakdown of responses:

Where do you think bias creeps in the most in the hiring process?

(Multiple answers allowed.)


% of Votes

Job Description


Job Posting


Evaluation and Selection


Sourcing and Screening





For the next 30 minutes, participants benefitted from a powerful presentation about how and why bias creeps into all aspects of the hiring process – and what can be done about it. Specific emphasis was placed on job titles, job descriptions and postings, as these are areas that can be particularly vulnerable to the influence of unconscious bias. We examined the surprisingly important role that job titles, job descriptions and postings play in the impressions that candidates form about the job and whether or not they will even apply. These things set the stage for what that candidate should fairly be expected – or not expected – to work on and how they will be evaluated. Ross-Jackson shared specific steps that can be taken to overcome unconscious bias and attract and hire a diverse group of terrific candidates. And that was just the tip of the iceberg!

This was a public webinar – the first of many more to come – but please keep in mind that SunShower Learning can create webinars exclusively for your organization. For instance, we can create a custom version of the Inclusive Hiring webinar for your hiring managers. The process is easy. We will set up a discovery meeting to learn more about your needs and goals, and then we’ll customize the entire experience to make the event a rousing success.

Book a meeting to learn more here.

Watch the entire webinar below: 

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