As I often say, great article here on new research that provides “compelling evidence that diversity unlocks innovation and
drives market growth—a finding that should intensify efforts to ensure
that executive ranks both embody and embrace the power of differences.”
For anyone who wants to explore how to actually bring the hope of diversity
into the workplace, look no further. Our newest course will be launched
soon. Email us if you want to learn about it NOW.
“Leaders also need acquired diversity to establish a culture in which all employees feel free to contribute ideas. Six behaviors, we have found, unlock innovation across the board: ensuring that everyone is heard; making it safe to propose novel ideas; giving team members decision-making authority; sharing credit for success; giving actionable feedback; and implementing feedback from the team. Leaders who give diverse voices equal airtime are nearly twice as likely as others to unleash value-driving insights, and employees in a “speak up” culture are 3.5 times as likely to contribute their full innovative potential.”