Unconscious Bias
Dr. Sondra Thiederman
The Unconscious Bias in Focus video series consists of five micro-learning modules about different types of implicit bias. Dr. Sondra Thiederman is an expert in identifying unconscious bias and taking action to interrupt and disrupt it before it causes you problems. In this microlearning course, Dr. Sondra talks about confirmation bias, the importance of a pause to reflect and of bringing your awareness to the situation. She shares practical tips for finding commonality and empathy with co-workers, friends and family.
FOCUS focuses on 5 simple actions we can all take to disrupt our unconscious bias. Dr. Sondra is the author of 3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias and the e-Learning course of the same name.
In each five-minute module, you’ll learn the techniques of Awareness, Commonality, Confirmation Bias, Empathy and Pause.
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Sondra Thiederman, Ph.D., focuses on 5 simple actions we can all take to disrupt our unconscious bias
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