Skill 8: Practice
"Both / And" Thinking

Inclusion in Action Skill 8: Practice "Both / And" Thinking represents the eighth skill in the Inclusion in Action series. Many of us think about the world in opposites: Things are either right or wrong, good or bad, true or false, us or them. This "either/or" or binary thinking assumes that there is only one right answer and that we are limited to a single path or truth. The goal of Skill 8 is to increase collaboration and improve problem-solving and innovation. Using “and” rather than “but” helps combine multiple perspectives and ideas to reach the most appropriate and inclusive solution. 
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The goal of the Inclusion in Action series is to learn 9 Skills for inclusion in order to interrupt one's common patterns of thought and behavior, which are often influenced by unconscious biases.

This award-winning course, which meets high standards of accessibility, includes an engaging combination of video scenarios, activities, exercises and a PDF takeaway to ground learners' understanding.

Course Lessons