Skill 4: It's Okay to Disagree

Inclusion in Action Skill 4: It's Okay to Disagree represents the fourth skill in the Inclusion in Action series. A diversity of perspectives and ideas, which is the goal of an inclusive environment, can sometimes result in disagreements. And, disagreements can sometimes be misunderstood as disrespect or resistance. This course uses a video scenario to powerfully illustrate how difficult it can be to speak up and disagree with a colleague or supervisor. At the same time, it demonstrates the important role of respectful disagreement in challenging assumptions, generating new ideas and driving innovation.
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The goal of the Inclusion in Action series is to learn 9 Skills for inclusion in order to interrupt one's common patterns of thought and behavior, which are often influenced by unconscious biases.

The goal of the Inclusion in Action series is to learn 9 Skills for inclusion in order to interrupt one's common patterns of thought and behavior, which are often influenced by unconscious biases.
This award-winning course, which meets high standards of accessibility, includes an engaging combination of video scenarios, activities, exercises and a PDF takeaway to ground learners' understanding.

Course Lessons