Excellent article that actually looks at the science. Former
Google engineer James Damore was hardly the first person to argue that
biological differences between men and women determine career outcomes.
Many people — even smart, science-minded ones — have asserted that
biological differences can explain the gender gap in math, engineering,
and science. A 2005 Gallup poll found
that 21% of Americans believed men were better than women in terms of
their math and science abilities (though 68% believed men and women were
about the same). The fact that this argument keeps coming up means that
we need to engage with it and clarify which claims are supported by
evidence and which are not…..
… The gender gap in the workforce can be
explained by sexism, just as the race gap can be explained by racism.
When workplace practices aim to support underrepresented groups, that
does not mean they are unfairly biased against overrepresented groups.
It just means that we need more than good intentions to change biased behavior.
Very important read here.