The Trump Administration has issued a flawed and racist executive
order that is not in alignment with SunShower Learning’s core values. We
stand for equity and inclusion, acknowledging and learning from what
history and current research shows us, and working together to make the
workplace and the world better – by giving people tools to explore their
own unconscious biases, to communicate more respectfully across
differences and to treat each other with dignity.
We denounce this executive order as an effort to deny history.
SunShower courses do not inculcate participants in any form of race or
or sex stereotyping / scapegoating. SunShower courses do not teach hate,
do not teach anyone to blame or shame and do not teach race theory.
SunShower proudly continues to offer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training courses to
play our part in righting social inequities by educating people and
organizations to confront our blind spots, to create equal opportunity
and treatment for all regardless of race, sex or any protected class,
and to speak up for themselves and on behalf of colleagues who are the
object of biased policies, microaggressions and racist statements.
As always, prospective clients can evaluate our courses before
purchase to see if they meet their training needs and goals. The very
act of proving compliance with an order like this is wrong and needs to
be dismissed.
Joel Lesko
President, SunShower Learning
‘Ironically, Trump’s most recent executive order banning racial
sensitivity training confirms critical race theory’s central point:
Racism is embedded in the law.’ @victorerikray
And read this excellent article by Victor Ray.