A great example of COMMON GROUND. One of the important strategies for disrupting unconscious bias that we highlight in Defeating Unconscious Bias. But, on with the story!
In the England dressing room, it doesn’t matter where you come from
or what you believe in, if you show courage, unity, and respect you can
achieve anything.
It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe in, if you
can come together with a common purpose – in our case winning the World
Cup – and you show courage, unity, and respect (our team mantra) you can
achieve anything.
Respect is having respect for the people you play with and against,
and respect for the shirt. Unity is about sticking together but also
uniting the country. That was always the bigger cause for us, not just
the cricket. And courage is about having the courage to play our way and
not shy away from this when things get tough.
The amazing thing about our team is that guys took time out very early on to talk to us about our religion and our culture. They have made adjustments for us and we have for them. And we live in harmony.