Being a Kind Leader: Developing Trust

Meaningful relationships, relationships with risks, interdependent relationships, and relationships between leaders and followers all require trust.

With Dr. Robin Denise Johnson’s guidance you will learn about trust in a new way – you can choose who to trust, how much to trust them, the kind of trust, even to re-trust if someone betrays your trust (i.e. to forgive them).

This masterclass is a comprehensive 45-minute experience. Enroll now! You will have access for 30 days. 
Write your awesome label here.
Developing Trust includes an engaging combination of video scenarios, activities, assessments and exercises to ground your understanding and practice.

Enroll as an individual and start now!
Or, license the course for your organization. Request a quote with the form below.

Developing Trust has won multiple awards

Dr. Robin Denise Johnson teaches skills that can change your relationship with your role, your colleagues and your life.
The course objectives:
  • Learn about the three kinds of trust: Communication-based, Competence-based and Character-based.
  • Assess your own values around trust and develop an action plan to develop trust.
  • Gain and practice new skills to be an inclusive leader.
  • Enact kindness by being a kind leader, by choosing to trust.

What's trust got to do with it?

According to a global Gallup survey, trust is the number one thing employees want from leaders. 

Operationalize trust

Dr. Robin’s course operationalizes trust in ways that give you a lot more control over how it manifests in your relationships.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Develop your professional skills.

Learn about trust with a true expert. Take the assessment and get input from Dr. Robin as you move through this award-winning course.

There are two ways you can engage with this Kind Leader course: as an individual or organizational licensing

Individuals - start now!

Enroll and get access for 4 weeks
Enroll now to start the eLearning course immediately. Learn about yourself and how to activate trust in this true masterclass. Dr. Robin's expert insights and strategies will help you advance your career.   

Learn and Gain Alignment
with Your Values!

Organizations - license

License the SCORM to install on your LMS
License the eLearning course to install the SCORM on your LMS, or, we will host this course on our LMS. This course provides:
  • Scalable and trackable
  • 24/7 on-demand
  • Consistent content
  • Completion certificate
Fill out the form below to learn more about licensing, pricing and the incredible support we provide.

Would you like to license Developing Trust for your organization?

Special pricing is available when you license for your group, team, school, university or corporation. 

Fill out this form, and Joel Lesko, SunShower Learning's director will respond with information about licensing and how you can install the course in your internal LMS or use our LMS. 

SunShower Learning is experienced in helping large and small organizations integrate eLearning courses into training systems.